Become a Certified Instructor

Teach the next generation of pilots

What is a CFI?

At Summit Flight Academy, we take immense pride in nurturing the next generation of aviation professionals through our comprehensive Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) training programs. Certified Flight Instructors play a pivotal role in shaping the skills and knowledge of aspiring pilots, serving as mentors, guides, and educators. Our CFI training courses are designed to equip you with the necessary expertise to become an influential and respected instructor, capable of imparting invaluable knowledge and instilling a culture of safety, proficiency, and excellence in your students.

We also hire from our CFI graduates on an as-needed basis. If interested in applying to teach at Summit, click here.

Initial Steps to Becoming a CFI

How to start training with Summit Flight Academy


Meet the Pre-Requisites

The journey to becoming a Certified Flight Instructor begins with meeting the prerequisites set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). To embark on this rewarding path, you must first obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate and accumulate the required flight hours, typically 250 hours or more. Additionally, you'll need to possess a valid medical certificate, demonstrating your physical and mental fitness for flight operations.



Ground Instruction and Knowledge Test

Our comprehensive ground instruction covers a wide range of topics, including flight principles, aerodynamics, aircraft systems, regulations, and effective teaching methodologies. You'll delve into the intricacies of flight instruction, learning how to communicate complex concepts effectively and create engaging learning experiences for your future students.

Upon completing the ground instruction, you'll be prepared to take the FAA's Certified Flight Instructor Airplane knowledge test. This written exam assesses your understanding of the subject matter and demonstrates your readiness to progress to the next stage of training.



Practical Flight Training

At Summit Flight Academy, we believe in providing hands-on, practical flight training experiences that mirror real-world scenarios. Under the guidance of our experienced CFI instructors, you'll refine your flying skills and develop the ability to teach effectively in the air. This phase of your training will focus on techniques for providing clear and concise in-flight instruction, evaluating student performance, and creating a positive learning environment.



Complete Your Checkride

The culmination of your CFI training is the FAA's Certified Flight Instructor Checkride. This practical evaluation assesses your ability to teach, provide in-flight instruction, and evaluate student pilots' skills. Our dedicated instructors will ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for this critical assessment, providing you with the confidence and knowledge necessary to excel during your checkride.


Types of Flight Instructors

In addition to the standard CFI certification, Summit Flight Academy offers specialized training for the following certifications:

Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)

This is the base certification needed to instruct private pilots. You would be able to train anyone just getting started in their flight training!

Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument (CFII)

This certification equips you with the skills to teach instrument flight procedures, enabling you to guide students in mastering the art of flying solely by reference to instruments.

Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI)

With this certification, you'll gain expertise in instructing in multi-engine aircraft, imparting knowledge and skills essential for operating these high-performance machines.

Let's Get Started?

Submit your enrollment interest today